Episode 101 – You can also listen on Apple podcastsSpotifyStitcher, and Amazon Music

About the Episode:

In New Mexico you know we love food AND we love spicy food! It’s all about flavor and heat in the Land of Enchantment. If there’s anyone who knows how to perfectly combine the two it’s Kirk Muncrief of Albukirky Seasonings. Check out this conversation between Bunny and Kirk about his New Mexico True Certified seasoning business. We know you’ll want to place an order before the episode ends!

Albukirky website
Kirk’s Blog

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Bunny’s website
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Original Music by: Kene Terry


Kirk Muncrief

Kirk is the proud owner of AlbuKirky Seasonings (with his wife Cheryl)  a line of high quality BBQ rubs, sauces and jellies featuring red and green chile. They are self-taught cooks; fearless in the kitchen and at the grill. They believe in the power of “scratch-made” and the magic of sharing a home cooked meal with someone you love. What you’ll find here is a collection of our favorite tried & true recipes, lots of cooking and grilling tips, and plenty of general food commentary. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to see what they’re cooking next!

Episode Transcript

Bunny: (00:00)
Hi there, I’m Bunny Terry and I’m the host of the I Love New Mexico podcast. We talk about everything here. There are no boundaries. We talk to people who are from all corners of the state, people who are chefs, who are tourists, who are artists, who are Chamber of Commerce executives, and who are from ranch families that have been here for hundreds of years. New Mexico is enchanting, and it’s interesting, and I, I can’t believe I get to do this job. New Mexico is so amazing, and I invite you to come along for the ride on the I Love of New Mexico podcast. Thanks for being here

Bunny: (00:47)
In New Mexico. We’re all about food, and so I was especially excited when we, um, were able to locate the brains behind the Albuquerque seasonings. And, um, my guest today is Kirk Reve and Kirk Crea. Just so you folks know, Albuquerque is spelled with A-A-L-B-U-K-I-R-K, which, which works because the creator is Kirk and I, and I wanted to take some time to visit with Kirk about, um, food and about how he came to this company that does amazing lo seasonings. But I also wanted to hear Kirk tell us, tell us who you are. I, you, I asked you before we began recording, and you said you have always been in New Mexico, is that right?

Kirk: (01:42)
Yes. Uh, I grew up in Las Cruces. Um, I guess that’s where my affinity for new Mexican food started was, you know, we’re right there next to Hatch. We get all the fresh chili. It’s, you know, I grew up eating it, so it’s always been something I enjoyed eating and cooking and learning how to cook with.

Bunny: (02:00)
But you don’t live in Las Cruces now, right?

Kirk: (02:03)
No, I’ve actually, I moved Albuquerque, uh, in 97, uh, to work for my job. And, uh, I’ve been here ever since. I, we love it here in Albuquerque. It’s a great fit for us. It’s got everything we want food, great weather. Why would we leave ?

Bunny: (02:21)
Right, right, right. We do that every day. Um, we sit in the backyard and, and my husband said, who grew up in Santa Fe says, why would anybody ever live anywhere else? So, yeah, it is perfect. But, but I wanna hear about the food piece. Um, I mean, did you move to Albuquerque to work in the food industry?

Kirk: (02:45)
No, I was actually working as a financial analyst. Uh, I worked, um, for about 20 years doing financial analyst and forecasting for many different companies, the Albuquerque area. Uh, what started the, the food part of it is I’ve always enjoyed cooking and grilling. And, um, back in like 2009, uh, I bought my first big Green egg. I’d been cooking on my gas grill and playing around with recipes and doing stuff. And when I bought the egg, it just kind of went into overdrive. Uh, I just started cooking all the time. I developed these recipes for these rubs because I couldn’t find any of the stores. So it kind of got from there. Um, the, the Albuquerque seasons was kind of an outlet for me to deal with the, uh, stress of corporate life. But, um, it was great. I mean, we enjoyed doing, my wife and I both enjoy cooking. She’s the one that takes all the great pictures on our website and runs the media. Um, we collaborate on all the meals and stuff, so it’s always just kind of been a thing we enjoy doing. And the seasonings was a way for us to share what we like about food without actually having to open a restaurant. , I Right. I’m too old for that. I know enough about a restaurant, so no, that’s not what I wanna do. , I’m not, I’m not cut out for that. But yeah. And then two, about three years ago after Covid, uh, we decided we needed to make a change and we started doing this full time. So that’s kind of how we got to where we are in the business, and we’re just both working on it full time trying to, trying to grow it. And it’s really just kind of a passion project for us. We really love cooking and food, and it’s something we really enjoy doing as opposed to, you know, working for , working corporate jobs .

Bunny: (04:39)
Right. Well, and, and I, full disclosure to the guest, um, Kirk sent me a box of, let’s see, was this the spicy five pack that you sent me?

Kirk: (04:55)
Yeah. It’s one of all of our rubs and two sauces.

Bunny: (04:59)
Uh, so last night it arrived yesterday. And so last night we had a, uh, little rack of lamb ribs that we buy. Um, and I’ll just give a shout out right now to Trader Joe’s. They have the best rack of lamb ribs that it, and we probably once a week throw those on the grill. But I used the green chili rub on half. And the casa, tell me again the name of the, the other season

Kirk: (05:25)
Casa seasoning.

Bunny: (05:26)
The casa seasoning, which is touted as being something you just keep by your stove and use on everything. And, um, we, and we couldn’t choose a favorite. I mean, they were, and, and this is something we eat every week, and, um, they were delicious. Maybe the green chili rub, but it was, it was sort of hard. So full disclosure, I’ve tried the product. Um, I liked what I tried. I have a bottle of the Duke City Sweet, um, barbecue sauce here. I’m dying to try that. No high fr fructose corn syrup. It says. But I’m curious about what you, I mean, you have some really different flavors here. I mean, you have the, um, the, um, what’s the coffee, the pinon coffee, um, you have some really unique flavors. Talk about where that came from.

Kirk: (06:19)
Um, I had been, the pinon coffee rub, actually New Mexico Pinon approached me about do doing a collaboration. And uh, I said, great. I already have like a coffee rub I could make for you real quick. So we worked, they gave me some coffee. I worked with the, uh, worked up my recipe a little bit. It’s kind of a variation of the Red Chili barbecue. Uh, but I’d been playing around with the coffee rub for a while. My dad used to do some steaks with coffee once in a while. It was an old cowboy trick that he, he liked. So it’s kind of where it came from. And, uh, kind of just went from there. It’s like an old recipe that I kind of updated with my own spin on it. And, you know, I do like the coffee rub. It is really great on steaks and beef. So, uh, you know, when New Mexico and New Mexico Pinon approached me, I said, Hey, I already got a recipe, so here we go, .

Bunny: (07:15)
Wow. And their coffee is one of our favorites. We make it at the office all the time for people who are, you know, we’re downtown Santa fan people who are coming by and haven’t ever tried it. , it’s a favorite at the office. So good, good choice of collaboration.

Kirk: (07:29)
Yeah, it’s been, it’s been a good, uh, collaboration for us. It’s a very popular product, especially with, uh, the new Mexicans. And, uh, actually the tourist department likes it for their events, helps them promote New Mexico.

Bunny: (07:43)
And so when you first started out, what, what were you, um, I mean, this had to have an evolution, um, right. Am I right? Did you create two or three rubs that immediately became popular? Or were you just sort of throwing things at the wall to see what stick did you, did you choose what you liked best?

Kirk: (08:02)
Yeah, the, the first two products we made was the Red Chili barbecue. And that was a rub I started making a long time ago. I’d been messing around with a recipe, tweaking it and playing around with different ingredients and a lot of recipes that I saw used, uh, paprika. And I was doing it and I was in the store going like, why am I using paprika? There’s Red Chili barbe, there’s red chili powder right here. So that’s kind of how it started. I was playing around with some recipes. I’d make it on my own. And when I added the red chili to it, I knew, oh, this is it. This is the flavor profile. This brings all the flavors of barbecue together. And you get that New Mexico kick with the red chili. So that’s kind of how that one started. And then the sauce came short about the same time, shortly after, like a month or so, I got the sauce made and the sauce uses the red chili barbecue in it for the seasoning.

Kirk: (08:59)
So when you season like your meat or your ribs with the rub, and then you serve it with the sauce, you get the same flavor profiles. That was kind of a problem I had with barbecue sauces and rubs, is that they never tasted the same. So one of my sauce that tasted like the rub. And then, um, those were my first two products. Uh, my next two products was the green and the Casa seasoning. And it was funny, it took me like, I don’t know, five or six years to make the Red Chili rub. It took me like, uh, a weekend to make the green chili rub. Like I had all the, I had all the spices available and um, my sister was sending me some really nice pork chops from Iowa, these really nice Iowa chops. So I was looking for something different to season those.

Kirk: (09:42)
And I got some green chili powder, and I mixed up the rub and I was like, whoa, this, this is it. So with a few tweaks, we, we made it a, a final, you know, a Prada then came out with the casa seasoning too. And, uh, it is a salt pepper and garlic blend with just a hint of lemon that kind of takes that edge off the salt. And you know, one of my culinary friends laughed me, he goes, it’s just salt, pepper and garlic. And I’m like, yeah, but people don’t, people love it. They don’t, they don’t care. , they want convenience. They, they don’t want to go in there and mix it. You and I know how to do that, but you know, you wanna make it convenient for people to enjoy. And it is one of our best selling products. People really love it. We use it all the time as well. Like I said, we just keep it by the stove just for those quick, you know, this needs a little take, this needs a little seasoning. So it’s, it’s a great all purpose seasoning. And that’s kind of how I got started with those rubs.

Bunny: (10:37)
Well, that’s what I, from the, um, casa seasoning, I just got just a, it was sort of like to me, uh, because I used a lot of lemon pepper in cooking, lemon pepper, but with garlic and salt, which was, which really, which is, which simplifies things. And I don’t know anything that you’re cooking that wouldn’t be made better with, um, those four ingredients. So, um, good call on that. I’m, I’m curious, do your, are all of your products, um, locally sourced?

Kirk: (11:10)
Uh, yeah. We use certified new Mexican chili powders. Uh, the red and green powders are certified. Uh, our, all of our products are bottled here in Albuquerque by Comfort Foods. They’re, uh, local co-packer. And actually, most the foods you eat that are new Mexican made, are made there . That’s how I know a lot of people just because we all go to Comfort Foods, we see, I see each other picking up product and stuff. So it’s kind of like we all know each other just through them. But they are a local company that sources all of our, that bottles all of our products. You know, I develop the recipes, I take them to recipes and the labels, and they gimme back my bottles. So it’s a really great deal, and I’ve been with them ever since we started. They really helped me out when I was getting the business off the ground, trying to figure out how to do it. And I met with them for, uh, mark for 15 minutes and he told me everything I needed to do. So in 15 minutes he helped me get my idea from a powdered rub to a, a final product. So they’ve been really helpful and they’ve been really great in working with me and coming up with new, helping me get my new products out as well.

Bunny: (12:17)
So say their name again. I didn’t catch it.

Kirk: (12:19)
Um, comfort Foods. Oh,

Bunny: (12:21)

Kirk: (12:21)
They’re here in, got it. Yes.

Bunny: (12:24)
I don’t know why I was thinking like Cutter, like aviation, but No,

Kirk: (12:29)
No, they’re here at Albuquerque. They also make, um, what is their, uh, desert Gardens is their pro is their product, but they Oh yeah.

Bunny: (12:37)

Kirk: (12:38)
Yeah. So they were very helpful ’cause they had started out pretty much the same way, making products in their kitchen, selling craft shows and fa and food markets and stuff. So they were really helpful to help me get my foot, my products off the ground. And I, you know, I’m really grateful for that. It’s nice to have somebody who can really help you and wants to help you.

Bunny: (12:58)
Well, and, and we, so Kirk, I never want to assume that, that everybody who’s listening is from New Mexico. So I think we ought to talk just a little bit about chili culture, because I can just hear somebody, um, in, you know, England or, um, you know, an island somewhere saying, well, isn’t chili all chili the same? Can you speak just a little bit to how different, um, our green chili culture is from say, you know, like a, a pecan pepper, some, somewhere else, or talk? Can you talk a little bit about that so that people understand the difference? I mean, we’re obviously religious about our chili here,

Kirk: (13:37)
. Yeah, that’s a good way to put it. We’re pretty religious about our chili. Uh, I know, I know people put a lot of chili on everything, and that seems to be the, the bandaid, you know, uh, I, my thing I guess, uh, I really just know new Mexican chilies real well. ’cause that’s all, that’s what I prefer to eat. And I do like some of the others. But I, you know, the thing about the new Mexican chili is it’s, it’s spicy. You can still eat quite a bit of it, you know, a lot of those other chilies, it’s, you get to that point where it’s not pleasurable, but I feel like the new Mexican chili is ple is, is good to eat. It doesn’t, um, how do I say that? It, you know, it’s more, it’s enjoyable to eat. It’s, and it’s very flavorful. Uh, I don’t know. It’s hard to explain to people outside New Mexico why we love it so much. ,

Bunny: (14:29)

Kirk: (14:30)
It really is. But once, but once they get it, you know, once they, they get it, they’re like, oh, I, I get it now. And I’ll say, I am more of a, a red chili guy and Team Red Chili. I love Red Chili. That’s my favorite. Um, honestly, the, I feel like the Red chili in Las Cruces is it’s, I’d say it’s better, but it’s also different. Some, I don’t know what it is, but something about the Red Chili, what they make in Las Cruces is a lot better than, I mean, I find places here that have good red chili, but that’s kind of my personal favorite. I’m more team red than green, but I eat both in my mass quantities, .

Bunny: (15:07)
So I, I would venture to say that we, we can start a fist fight here because, you know, there are people who will say, oh, Chim Mayo Red Chili is the best. And, and I, and I like to think that, you know, some, I, I’ve gotten green chili from T Tar before I’ve gotten Green chili from Corrales. I mean, it really, I mean, the flavor of the chili is relatively consistent, but it also changes based on where it was grown in the state. But it is, it’s, I mean, it’s so flavorful and it’s so, um, addictive when, you know, I’ve moved away a couple of times for very short periods of time. But, um, I’ve brought chili home in my, um, suitcase. So you’re . Yeah. I mean, you know, one time I lived in North Carolina for about 20 minutes and I had done have, but I mean, every time I came to visit I just brought an empty suitcase. But, but I do want people to know that, um, they, there are different places that they can order fresh green chili from, but green and red come from the same plant. Right, right. So explain the difference.

Kirk: (16:16)
Uh, well, the green chili is the fresh product. And to get red, you just leave it on the vine and let it dry out and it turns red and concentrates the flavors. It’s amazing how different the two things taste. Like the fresh chili tastes more fruity, but once you dry it out and make the chili out of it, the the red just has a totally depth, different depth of flavor. That’s not even, you wouldn’t think it was the same right? ,

Bunny: (16:42)
Right? No, you wouldn’t different. Wouldn’t people say to me, well, well I need to grow some red chilies. I’m like, no, no, no, no. You start with the green and then you end up with the red eventually. Right. If you can, if you have patience enough to leave it to dry. Right, right.

Kirk: (16:57)
And, and I, as a preference, I am, I am more have a hatch chili guy. Uh, we do, I do order some, my, my frozen chilies from Hatch or my dad lived down there. And whenever I go to visit him, I try to go during chili season so I could pick up some fresh hatch chili. I, I, you know, I’ve had this, uh, some of the Sandia chili that some of the farms here have. And it’s still, it’s all delicious. It’s all really good. And I guess I’m a little, uh, biased hatch. ’cause I guess that’s what I probably eat the most of growing up.

Bunny: (17:29)
Well, and I’m really, you know, I go to, um, every one of my traditional, one of my traditions, I’m sorry, is to go to Wagner Farms in Corrales Yeah. And get a bag to put up just because I, you know, that’s just another variety that we have. But tell me what, um, sort of run down the list of products that you have and, um, I’m, I’m interested in hearing, um, what’s proven to be the most popular.

Kirk: (17:58)
Um, well, obviously the most popular here is the Green Chili Rub. Uh, everybody loves that one. Uh, we would do shows that was our biggest selling product, like probably like two to one of everything else. Uh, the Red Chili Barbecue and the Casa Seasoning are the next most popular. And, you know, one of my personal favorites is the Anine Hot. It’s a, a blend of ancho habanero and, um, red Chili kind of has like a taco seasoning vibe, but it’s spicier. Uh, we use that one a lot. Um, the Coffee Rub is, is another one of our products we enjoy. And then the sweet red that I came up with is a sweeter version of the Red Chili Barbecue. And that’s really good for smoked meats. Like if you like a sweeter, uh, rib or, uh, your pork butt. Uh, I notice a lot of people like sweeter barbecue.

Kirk: (18:55)
So I kind of developed a sweeter version of the Red Chili barbecue Rub. And then we have our Duke City Sweet Sauce, which you were talking about. It’s, uh, a molasses based sauce that uses the red chili barbecue rub and then the original Red Chili barbecue rub that’s like barbecue sauce. That’s my personal favorite sauce. I love the, the spice and tang in that one. And, uh, we do have a new rub we just came out with, uh, called the Spicy Garlic Panino. It’s a garlic and jalapeno blend that, uh, we just released, uh, a week or so ago. Mm-Hmm. . And it’s giving a lot of good, good traction. People seem to really enjoy it. And I think people were excited to get a new product from us. It’s been a while since I came out with something. And then we did have, for a while, we did have a red and green chili jelly, and unfortunately they were discontinued by the co-packer ’cause they didn’t wanna pack Jelly anymore.

Kirk: (19:50)
But we are working to try to get those back. ’cause though that was a truly unique New Mexico product that everybody keeps asking about. So if anybody asks, I’m I, I’m working on it. We’re trying really hard to find somebody who can make jelly locally. And, uh, hopefully we can find somebody soon. But I’ve been, it’s probably been two years since we’ve lost it and it’s really hard to get its way to remake that. But it was a great product and people still ask for it today. So I think that is kind of one of those things that would, you know, give people an idea, oh this is, this is what New Mexico Chili’s about. ’cause it’s, you can do anything with it, with it like that. So I, I really want to get it back. But it was a great product.

Bunny: (20:36)
Well, and that’s, it’s like a Christmas chili, right? Because we Right, whenever you sit down to eat here, it’s red, green or Christmas, which is both. And um, you created a jelly. That’s a a I mean, it sounds like a Christmas jelly.

Kirk: (20:50)
Oh, well it was a, there’s a red jelly, a red chili jelly, and a green chili jelly. So you could mix ’em if you wanted, but they

Bunny: (20:56)
Oh, I see. So it’s two different, okay, got it. Well, yeah. Yeah.

Kirk: (20:59)
And it was put

Bunny: (21:00)
’em both on the table. Yes.

Kirk: (21:01)
Right. That was something that, uh, we came up with, I thought was a really great New Mexico product. And I, I’m really trying to get it back , I really enough to have it back. Good. And when we get some, I’ll, I’ll send it to you , I’ll

Bunny: (21:14)
Send it to you. Okay. Well tell me, um, or, or tell folks where they can find you first of all. I mean, I understand that you do some shows, but obviously the best way for people to find you is online. And I want listeners to know that there is a link to your website, but you know, for somebody who’s driving, tell them where they can find you.

Kirk: (21:34)
Uh, where you can find us is at our website@albuquerqueseedings.com and that’s spelled A-L-B-U-K-A-R-K y.com. So if you, if you look us up or if you Google it, it will come up. But you can put it in the browser. Uh, we locally, we have, uh, stores we’re in, our biggest stores are Keller. They carry all of our products. They’ve been carrying our products since we started. We’ve got some other local stores like, uh, Nelson’s Meat Market, uh, sprouts and Albertsons, some of our rubs and the few, so mom and pops around the state. Um, I’m thinking Santa Fe, I think the Jackalope and Santa Fe carry some of our stuff and so does the Sprouts. But you can always order it direct from us. We’re always having some kind of sale or promotion and we do have shipping, free shipping on orders over $50.

Bunny: (22:31)
So. Well, and it seems to me that um, if somebody, this would be a great gift, like for me to send to my son who lives in, who grew up in Albuquerque, but who lives in San Jose. Do you do like a gift pack or something that people can, where they can do a big try?

Kirk: (22:46)
Yeah, we have gift boxes available, uh, that have a sauce in three different rubs depending on, and you get large rubs or small rubs. We also have that pack that I sent you is the spicy five pack. It has all of the six ounce bottles. Might soon be, it’ll soon be the spicy seven pack when we get the new jalapeno rub in that size. And, uh, we have bundles that are discounted. So you can, and you can mix and match if you want to. If you don’t like the bundles, you can pick your own. So we try to have everything available and give everybody a good sampling. Uh, what I do notice is a lot of people just buy, we do have people just buy one bo one product. They’ll buy six or 12 of the casa seasoning ’cause they can’t live without it. So I, we do have customers that buy that in bulk all the time in the green chili. So it’s really, it’s really great to see when, you know, we have people that constantly come back and make, make those purchases like that. ’cause they know they really enjoy the products.

Bunny: (23:47)
Well, to me, I mean, I’m a realtor in my other life. Um, and it’s, this seems like a really great gift to give to a new homeowner who just moved here from elsewhere. I mean, I’m, I’m curious, do you know the furthest that you’ve sent a package of your, of your rubs?

Kirk: (24:06)
Well only shipped to new in the United States. So on the far I shipped to the United States regularly is Hawaii. We get some orders from Hawaii. I did meet with a guy talk with a guy online who lived in Australia, and I just sent him some out of, he, I just gave him some and he really enjoyed it. He was, but, uh, and I have had customers tell me that they’ll buy it and send it to their kids who are in the military or away. They’ll send it to Japan or wherever they are. They’ll, they’ll send ’em care packages with some of our rubs in it. So it’s pretty inter it’s always makes me happy when people tell me to go outta their way to send it to their kids wherever they are. Uh, I feel like that’s, uh, you know, that’s really saying something that, oh, this is good. This kind of gives people a reminder of what home tastes like. And that’s what I kind of like to think that we’re doing is, you know, giving a taste of New Mexico.

Bunny: (25:00)
And do you, on your website, do you have recipes that, um, people can follow?

Kirk: (25:06)
Yeah, there’s some recipe or on the, we have a blog and on the website there’s, uh, some of our most popular recipes. And then if you click deeper down, it’ll take you directly to the blog. And we’ve got recipes that we cook regularly. Um, all of our recipes we post on the blog. We’ve vetted, we’ve cooked them several times before we actually say, okay, this is, this is good enough to put out there. Uh, we wanna make sure we have everything down. And the techniques, so they’re, really vetted recipes. And some of our most popular is the smoked green chili pork. Uh, we use a smoked pork and make our green chili stew with it. That is a very popular recipe.

Bunny: (25:50)

Kirk: (25:50)
Uh, looking forward to making that. It’s when harvest comes around, that’s usually when we start making it. ’cause it’s a really great fall dish. Uh, one of our most popular recipes that we share all the time is the bacon, fat flour tortillas that my wife makes. Uh, wow. I like to . I like to cure my own bacon. And if you’re a a good friend of mine, you’ll get a package of it for Christmas , I give bacon away at Christmas, so I, I make my own bacon with the Anine Rub. And when we cook it, Cheryl saves the bacon and we put that in our tortillas. So it’s kind of a, you know, it doesn’t add, doesn’t really directly use our products, but they’re, they’re in there. But the, it’s something that we make all the time. Cheryl shares that recipe. It’s a really great easy tor flour tortilla recipe. And, uh, that’s one of our most popular recipes. And we all, like, all the stuff we have on our blog is stuff that we cooked, we’ve vetted and we use regularly. Um, you know, I’m not, I I sometimes feel like, uh, you, you go to these blogs and the recipes, they don’t really cook with. Yeah. So, and if you have a problem with the recipe, call it, send us a text or an email. We’ll, you know, we’ll help you out. So , we’re there to help you enjoy.

Bunny: (27:17)
Uh, I, because I love talking about food and I love talking about New Mexico and you. Um, and the other thing that I like is that you had a life that looked like this as a financial analyst, and then you turned, you turned it on its head and followed your passion for, you know, green and red chili and great food. So congratulations to you. Is this, did you ever see yourself doing something like this?

Kirk: (27:44)
No. Um, I just knew like, I liked cooking. It was always kinda something I really enjoyed, um, kind and it was a real like, I guess a creative outlet for me at the time when I was working. So it’s always been something we enjoyed. Uh, Cheryl and I cook together. We, you know, on Sundays we make a big plan about let’s, what are we cooking? And we talk about it all week. We get the ingredients and then Sunday we’re ready to cook it. So it’s always been something that’s given us a lot of joy and keeps us together, you know, working together in the kitchen is it, is, is fun, and, uh, you know, it’s just something we really enjoy doing. And I really kind of wanna be in the, the food scene instead of being in the corporate finance scene. And this is, I feel this is a lot more rewarding and enjoyable for, for both of us. It makes us happy.

Bunny: (28:37)
. That, that’s so exciting. Well, Kirk, thank you for being a guest and thank you more than that for creating, um, the Albuquerque seasonings because I’m, well now I’m gonna have to be cooking for a few nights to try everything. . It’s, I mean, it’s, it what a good excuse to stay home and make a meal. Right,

Kirk: (28:59)
Right. it it is. And every day when we cook it’s like, okay, which, which seasoning do we wanna put this put on the

Bunny: (29:07)
Meat? Right. Right. That’s so cool. Well, thank you for being a, a guest and, um, on, as I said before, all links to the website and, um, to the blog are available. And we’ll send folks your way because this is exciting.

Kirk: (29:28)
Oh, thank you very much for having me and I hope people do would find us and enjoy our products.

Bunny: (29:33)
Thanks to all of you for taking the time to listen to the I Love New Mexico podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please feel free to share it with your friends on social media or by texting or messaging or emailing them a copy of the podcast. If you have a New Mexico story that you’d like to share with us, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our email address is I love New Mexico blog@gmail.com and we are always, always looking for interesting stories about New Mexico. Subscribe, share, and write a review so that we can continue to bring you these stories about the Land of Enchantment. Thank you so much.

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